Tequila sunrise  Tequila Sunrise (1988)

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This movie gives us the beautifully spirited Michelle Pfeiffer along with the greatness of Mel Gibson - The Heart-throb from Australia (my former wife Elizabeth who was also from Australia was a keen admirer of his). Mel Gibson radiates the sort of genuine capacity for humanly idealism in his functioning that's is truly refreshing on the planet and is a greatest example to others who share his orientation generally speaking perhaps. The only actors I love more  are Al Pacino and Robert Deniro. I'm also a fan of Bob Hoskins (The Long good Friday) and as well, Warren Beatty etc

There's some interesting passion potential in this movie which brings these great personalities together including Kurt Russell and Raul Julia for a tale of romance and intrigue and racketeering in the South American drug traffic dealings.

Michael Rizzo Chessman




